🔹10,000 $ROE is reserved to advance the cause of $FROE via marketing.

🔹 70% Funds raised from the NFTs is spent towards building Genie Duck Farm, while 30% is spent by team for developments, including buybacks.

🔹 Loyalty Rule: 50% $EGG is paid as loyalties to holders of $FROE monthly. Eligible Wallets must hold 15.0 $ROE balance to qualify by every 26th day on monthly bases. Snapshot is taken by 11:00 UTC prior to payout.

🔹Loyalty Clause: A cumulative set of wallets holding a minimum of 1 FROE shall become eligible in a case where there are no single wallet that meets the loyalty rule. These sets of wallets share 50% of monthly $EGG from Genie Duck Farm.

🔹 There shall be no team supply of $FROE. It must be a fair launch and scarcity driven.

🔹 Other exchange listing is subject to a proper development of the $FROE community.

🔹 All Type A NFTs are backed to $XFP (Fishfactory P) asset with 20 Billion XFP token. These type of NFTs will be release after the launch of Fishfactory Protocol (XFP) tokens.

Last updated